look at this piece, made in whole crocheted

Flower crafted in white and blue. Artesanatos e crochet

Love crochet think all kinds of beautiful flowers.
HERE is the patterns for those who want to do !!!

Beautiful dress made entirely of crochet. Blog Artesanatos e crochet

Hello girls, is part is wonderful enjoy
Today brought a dress that suits almost every woman. They posted in a group I belong on facebook and found wonderful to use. Can be made a blouse too =)


Learn how to make a giraffe crochet, wonderful

                                                                                                        #How To Crochet A Giraffe


A grace and super different..

Baby dressed for christening..

Blog artesanatos e Crochet #Several dress models for children! SEE..

Walkthroughs dress Crochet for Baby

Where do I buy one of those ????

Blog Artesanatos e Crochet..

Some artisans have asked me to start now to make threads of nearby stations and intend to start doing from now on for you already begun to fabricate .Começo today disclosing to anyone who has not seen, it is totally different piece. Artesanatos e Crochet here..
#Watching news on TV

Beautiful crochet, flower simple step by step video

Blog Artesanatos e crochet

The crochet is a manual technique that can result in beautiful pieces and besides being very nice to make parts for fun and spend time may also become an excellent source of income. Below we will give you tips on how to make flower crochet and sell that piece that has everything to win many consumers.Blog Artesanatos e crochet

If you need a translation, just put subtitles on video

Wedding dress made entirely in crochet..

Blog Artesanatos e Crochet..

From here I told the preposterous plan to make my own crochet wedding dress, I received some emails and comments from noivinhas and mothers of noivinhas (I did not even know) asking how I was and how the dress. I was really happy to see that the scope of my blog was bigger than I imagined and I can help other brides to marry happy with a beautiful dress, full of personality and cheap (and difficult ... but that's a mere detail! Hehehe) .Artesanatos e Crochet

In this post I will share the recipe we use and some details that can help in the production of her dress. But I warn once the recipe served only as a basis for us. We not faithfully followed by three very basic reasons: 1) It is in Russian !!!; 2) My mother and I are not professionals and crocheters do not control the graphics of crochet and 3) Revenue is a short, tight dress in the body, then change your mold.

Needle and thread in hand? A lot of patience and dedication stored? So come on!

Here is the recipe! After much searching wedding dresses crochet the internet, I found this blog! The Silvana put thousands of recipes and crochet charts there, has enough cool thing! In this link you find the post recipe I share here with more pictures of the model dress (super photos helped in time to join the flowers).
